blow me down!!! I was really convinced, until now, that bold, blatant
and bare-faced racism in this country had retreated underground many years
ago. According to a story appearing on a very popular, weekly-updated,
web site, on Sunday 13th December 2009, however, it seems to be very much
alive and well. The story appearing on the website alleges that on
Friday 11th December 2009, at the Montagu Gardens, in Nassau, Mr. William
“Billy” Saunders, the well known owner of the very popular ground transportation
Industry giant, ‘Majestic Tours’, embraced the open forum to blast the
name of Sir Lynden Oscar Pindling. It is suspected that he took the
opportunity to do so, because he was keenly aware that there were a number
of PLP supporters in the place milling about. Reports are that he
accused Sir Lynden of ruining the country and of introducing racism in
The Bahamas. Now I have never, in my life, met this William ‘Billy’
Saunders, but if, in fact, he did make these asinine assertions; I can
only say to him, Sir!! “Much hatred for black folk doth make thee mad.”
Saunders continued berating Sir Lynden and colored Bahamians, according to the report, to the annoyance of the group of PLP supporters in the place. When they demanded of him to cease and desist his insults on the legacy of the “Father of the Nation,” he allegedly responded with; “Don’t talk to me, you nigger,” at which point one of the group attempted to strike him a blow but was restrained from doing so, by a couple of his friends. Saunders was then dragged out of the club, the story continued, kicking, screaming and shouting at the top of his voice, “Come outside you…. (ing) Nigger.
This incident, apparently, is not Saunders’ first of its kind; in fact he seems, from past reported alleged incidents, to be habitually getting into these near fist fights over his alleged, intolerance of black people. What do they say that he has against dark-skinned folk? Just that; their skin is B.L.A.C.K and not W.H.I.T.E like his. How S.T.U.P.I.D can a so-called educated human being be in this 21st Century? To dislike people (he doesn’t even know) on the grounds that the color of their skin is different from the color of his? This highlights the degree of ignorance in people who think this way, rather than display any kind of intelligence. People who think like, allegedly, Billy Saunders does, ought always to bear in mind that if they insist on, claiming their right to be racially prejudiced against peoples of other ethnicity, then all others have the right, as well, to do likewise. But is that the way we would want to live our short lives on this earth, especially in this small country? It must be that Billy Saunders- if what is alleged about him is true- and all who share his antiquated views and hang-ups, are throw-overs from an age-the dark/stone ages if you will- the “Free World” would like to obliterate from history. This is not the 19TH century, Mr. Saunders, but rather the 21st. The abolitionist, I am very sure, never expected that when they abolished slavery in the eighteen hundreds, that the stigma would suddenly dissipate immediately; but to endure for more than two hundred years, Mr. Saunders? That is quite ridiculous don’t you think?
According to the above mentioned web-site report, Saunders was involved in another altercation, sometime before, and at that time was dragged before the courts for allegedly threatening to “Kill” a black professional who lived in his area. He, allegedly as well, avoided another cut behind, on another occasion, when a Good Samaritan intervened to restrain a black man who, allegedly, was a recipient of Billy’s racial intolerance when, allegedly, Billy attacked him for parking on the side of the road, in the High Vista area, near the home of the late Charles Johnson.
This William “Billy” Saunders’ example is blight on those of his race who are daily working, assiduously, to bring harmony among the two ethnic groupings. Fortunately, I am convinced that Billy’s, alleged views are representative of only a small minority, as opposed to the majority of those of his grouping. The majority white folk in the Bahamas, in my view, are constantly at work trying their best to build good, harmonious relationships, socially and otherwise, with black folk. These, alleged views of Saunders’ represent an era, long since past. His, alleged, kind of racism is indigenous to late 19th, early 20th century white folk; many of whom are still alive and living in the deep southern states of North America. They have never, ever travelled beyond the borders of their state lines and they have no desire to do so. My wife and I were on a cruise ship earlier in the year, and in our small-talk conversation with a lady passenger one morning at breakfast, she wanted to find out all about us, our nationality; where we were from etc. We discovered, during the course of conversation, that she loves the Bahamas and she loves to visit all the other ports on the cruise itineraries in the Caribbean region, as well. She told us that she was a divorcee and she told us the primary reason for her divorcing her ex-husband. She said that he was a racist who, after their first cruise stop at Nassau on a visit once, when he saw all those Negros plying their trade in and around Nassau town, he got right back onboard the ship and never left to go ashore at any other port on the cruise. Needless to say he never took another cruise to the Caribbean either. They separated a couple years after and eventually filed for divorce, because of his constant “Nigger bashing,” according to her. She told us that he became intolerable to live with (she wanted to travel; he didn’t for fear of visiting a place where the “Nigras” as he called black folk, would outnumber the whites) and so she ended their marriage.
I don’t believe that people who are given to this kind of ethnic intolerance are very happy people; not in the least. I believe that it could be hell on earth, living with and or working around people who are full blown racist. I have a question or two, though, for you, Mr. William “Billy” Saunders Sir; are you indeed a genuine racist? If you are, tell me, how do you live with yourself in a country where ninety per cent of the population is of African origin? How do you work in any kind of harmonious environment with your many black employees? What is it like to hate someone, you don’t even know? And what pleasure do you derive from hating another human being, for no good reason at all except for the fact that they are black skinned, Mr. Saunders? I must confess, Mr. Saunders, that in all my many years living here in this country of my birth, and on this green earth, Sir, I have never met a white Bahamian, or a white visitor, for that matter, who was racially intolerant, as you seem to be. Indulge me please and answer the questions I posed above. I would really like to hear your flimsy excuses for answers, directly, from the mouth of a genuine Negro-hating Dinosaur.
Can I be permitted to say to all the Billy Saunders’ out
there? Get over it; Sir Lynden Oscar Pindling’s tenure was the best thing
that ever happened to poor, deprived, black and white Bahamians alike,
back there in 1967; no question about it; and many of my white brothers
and sisters admit this fact.
Forrester J Carroll J.P
Freeport, Grand Bahama
27th December 2009.