The Citizenship Issue Goes Off The Rails
If you read the newspapers on Tuesday 12th August one MP after the next was denying the four bills designed to bring about equality in the law by way of the constitution and now before the House. This was done despite the fact that the leader of both parties Perry Christie and Hubert Minnis made public statements committing themselves to the bills. On 12th August Richard Lightbourn, viagra buy sickness Edison Key, viagra usa Hubert Chipman (all FNM); Renward Wells, Andre Rollins, Greg Moss (all PLP) said that they had problems with the bills. If you went by that and the about face of the Leader of the Opposition the next day when he said the FNM can only support two of the bills, then it appears that this effort to amend the constitution is in trouble. Behind the scenes there have been frantic meetings between the Commission, the church and the Government and the Opposition to see if the bills can be salvaged
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. This is a pure case of passions and emotions trumping common sense. The House resumes on Monday morning 18th August with Richard Lightbourn on his feet. By that time, the Commission hopes that some language will be designed which will please everyone.