Tropical Storm Damages Bahamas Phone System
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Tropical Storm Damages Bahamas Phone System
Ft. Lauderdale, Florida. October 24 2014. – On August 18 2014, a tropical storm damaged telephone lines in the Bahamas impacting the phone system of Sebastian Alliance Group LLC. Cable Bahamas has yet to resolve the issue.
“We humbly apologize for any inconvenience that this disruption may have on our customers. We are currently determined to find a new solution for our customers in the Bahamas so that we can continue to provide exceptional customer service. We are currently looking into partnering with a new provider so that we can resolve this issue quickly,” Sebastian Curry, Chief Executive Officer.
Due to the politics between Batelco and Cable Bahamas, only 50% of the telephone lines have been restored. “Sebastian Alliance Group LLC is still unable to receive any telephone calls as Batelco refuses to allow telephone calls to the offices, as we were a former Cable Bahamas client. Customers looking to contact any Sebastian Alliance employee are recommended to do so at 1-877-268-4779,” Curry.
Sebastian Alliance is the industry leader in providing professional services ranging from I.T
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