cialis generic viagra times;”>The China Construction company that has thus far been unable to finish their project at Bahamar on Cable Beach on time has ventured into another development project in Nassau. This time they have bought the British Colonial Hilton. The Hilton which sits in the heart of downtown Nassau and is largely a hotel for business people, clinic is to be further developed and will they say with their new plans create 500 permanent jobs and 200 construction jobs. We think that is a good thing. You would think that the commentators would think so too, except all you could read about was that the Chinese are taking over. Contrast that to the news earlier in the year that a Russian had bought the Ocean Club at Paradise Island, not a negative peep. Only goes to show. The photos show the artists rendition of what the new development will look like. The hotel will continue to be branded as a Hilton. It will create a hotel condominium, shopping centre, night club, cinema and Marina
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