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discount times;”>Founding Fathers to be remembered
Elcott Coleby
Bahamas Information Services
Bahamas, Nassau – As the country celebrates its second annual Heroes Day on Monday, 13th October 2014, a public ceremony will be held in honour of the framers of the constitution at the mausoleum of Sir Lynden Pindling, the Father of the nation, at 10 am to mark that occasion.
Performing the ceremony will be Deputy to the Governor-General, Mr. Oswald Ingraham.
It was in December 1972 when a bipartisan group of fifteen Parliamentarians, from the governing party and from the opposition, traveled to London to execute the Independence Order, paving the way for nationhood on July 10th 1973.
The Constitution’s Framers were then Prime Minister, Sir Lynden Pindling, Sir Milo Butler, Hon. Arthur D. Hanna, Hon. Paul L. Adderley, Hon. George Smith, Hon. Cadwell Armbrister, Hon. Philip Bethel, Henry Bowen, Sir Clement T. Maynard, Hon. Carlton Francis and Hon. A. Loftus Roker from the governing Parliamentary Caucus. The opposition House members were opposition leader Sir Kendal G. L. Isaacs, Sir Orville Turnquest, Sir Arthur Foulkes and Norman Solomon.
Of the fifteen framers, six are still with us. They are Hon. Arthur D. Hanna, Sir. Arthur Foulkes, Hon. George Smith, Hon. A. Loftus Roker, Sir Orville Turnquest and Hon
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. Philip Bethel.
Rodney Bain accompanied the delegation as Secretary to the Cabinet.
The general public and media are invited to attend.