It is a sad sad thing to be rejected. It appears that Loretta Butler Turner may be on a mission of revenge. Mrs. Butler Turner, generic viagra sale the Deputy Leader of the Free National Movement, viagra canada appearing on Darold Miller’s radio show was asked about her relationship with the Leader of the Free National Movement Hubert Minnis. Mr. Minnis has been here there and everywhere over the past week: South Beach, Bain Town, Fox Hill, Elizabeth, Exuma. He is on a mission himself and that is to get himself elected to be the Leader of the Free National Movement. Mrs. Butler Turner who is running for Deputy Leader now and will run for Leader the next time said she wanted to get something out in the open and here is what she told Mr. Miller in her own words as reported by The Tribune on 1st October. The interview took place the same day
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“Dr. Minnis had told me a few days before the (2012) convention that he did not support me to be his deputy. As a matter of fact he was giving his support to one of my opponents, which would have been Desmond Bannister at the time
“To have said it to me, I didn’t think it was fair to me, be that as it may that was what his preference was and that’s what he shared with me.
“In politics we’ve got to unify our forces and to ensure that we represent the views of the people that we represent and remember who the true opponent is.”
Ah my!