“I firmly believe that national service will solve our manhood problems. National service is key to solving our crime problem. National youth service will also help to solve our unemployment problems.”
This was Sir Lynden Pindling’s, generic cialis treat 24th November 1994 PLP National Convention speech. No sooner had Sir Lynden given this speech he was mercilessly vilified and accused of wanting to start his own army in pursuance of his own political agenda. This relentless attack was headed by the newspapers and a coalition of malcontents who never got over the majority rule victory of the PLP in 1967. The Father of the nation saw back then what has now become our today’s reality. The protest back then has retarded our development as a nation. He must have known in the recesses of his soul that this was the only way to build our nation. Though gone, his words ring true today.
This past Wednesday, August 6th, 2014, four referendum bills were read in Parliament; three of these bills concern citizenship; and the fourth bill refers to gender equality. For the Bahamians, these are highly emotional subjects; and for others, these are matters of conscience; and for another grouping, this is a time to settle old political scores of a failed referendum past.
Referendum costs the tax payers of this county approximately 2 million dollars to take place whether or not it is successful. Thus far in our development, no government has been able to convince the population to make changes to our constitution. Based on our unscientific poll taken, this proposed referendum will follow the same path as previous referendums and fail unless there is absolute and total unanimity from both sides of the political divide in Parliament. If we cannot get an overwhelming support then the process should be abandoned at the House of Assembly stage in the interest of saving scarce financial resources
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Some have said let the status quo remain; others have said, if we give foreign husbands too much rights then sad will be our day when foreign husbands turn on their Bahamian wives. Some of the other reasoning, I am reluctant to disclose because I consider them unhelpful to the debate. If our leaders would like to see these bills passed they will have to hold hands, lay down their political swords and shields, go into the communities and sell the people on these amendments. Otherwise, we will once again be wasting our frugal resources. WE HAVE A NATION TO BUILD.
The foolish talk of some saying they want Prime Minister Christie to apologize for not supporting the past referendum is saying VOTE NO in a back handed way. Prime Minister before we go any further, we must now hear from the Leader of the Loyal Opposition to see what he says. WE HAVE A NATION TO BUILD.
Brian Seymour
PLP Stalwart Councillor