The Bahamas’ Treaty Performance Evaluation By The OAS
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Nassau, Bahamas – On-site Evaluator Mr. Rodrigo Silva of the Mechanism for the Implementation of The Inter-American Convention Against Corruption (MESICIC) paid a courtesy call on the Hon. Allyson Maynard Gibson, Attorney General and Minister of Legal Affairs, 22 September.
Pictured left to right: Mr. Garvin Gaskin, Acting Director of Public Prosecutions; Mrs. Cleopatra Christie, Consultant/Case Management; Mr. Franklyn Williams, Deputy Director of Public Prosecutions; Mrs. Cheryl Grant Bethell, Deputy Law Reform Commissioner; Mr. Rodrigo Silva OAS; the Hon. Allyson Maynard Gibson, Attorney General and Minister of Legal Affairs; Mrs. Cynthia Gibbs, Acting Permanent Secretary; Mrs
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. Deborah Fraser, Director of Legal Affairs; and Mr. Delmon Rolle, Senior Assistant Secretary.