Althea Huyler, Daughter Of The Late Dame Albertha Isaacs Dies
She was the oldest child of Dame Albertha Isaacs, sildenafil advice the former PLP Senator and activist. The first child of four children born to Ned and Albertha Isaacs. Her father Ned was the older brother of the late Sir Kendal G L Isaacs. She grew up in an activist tradition. Her great grandfather on her mother’s side Robert Hanna, a cousin of former Governor General Arthur Hanna was a businessman and owned land on Bay Street
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. Her Aunt Nora was the treasurer for the PLP’s Women’s Branch back in 1955. Her mom lived to be 97; her mother was born in 1900. She was born on 29th December 1922 and at the time of her death in the wee hours of Thursday morning 7th August having pronounced herself as having had a “damn good life” was 92 years old. Her husband Donzel predeceased her. She is survived by her sons Don and Philip and daughter Rogann and Glendia, a brother Robert and several nephews and nieces amongst them Irrington “Minky” Isaacs, Chairman Emeritus of the PLP. Fred Mitchell MP is a first cousin, once removed. Rest In Peace.