On August 2 2014 The Bahamian Consulate in Miami reissued an advisory on its Facebook Page to Bahamians to take Precautions when Traveling to South Florida –
The Consulate said advisory was issued in 2013, generic cialis viagra but to all Bahamians: be vigilant and alert during your summer travels.
For immediate Release
Ministry of Foreign Affairs
Nassau, Bahamas
The Ministry of Foreign Affairs wishes to advise all Bahamians traveling to Miami and the immediate counties including Orlando to be careful about their possessions while in motor vehicles and in transit. This is the traditional season for Bahamians to shop before back to school and while shopping may not be paying particular attention to their documents and possessions.
We are asking them to take particular care because of reports of opportunistic theft of Bahamian passports and travel documents through break ins in cars in the parking lots of shopping malls. We are advising all Bahamians traveling in the Miami area to be aware of their surroundings. Be sure that you are not followed.
Do not come out of cars if you are bumped at traffic lights
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. Placing passports and other important documents in glove compartments and the trunks of your cars are strongly discouraged. If you do lose your documents you should contact the Bahamas consulate in Miami at #25 SE 2nd Avenue – suite 600; the telephone number is (305)-455-1170
If for some reason, the Bahamian traveler has to return his or her rented vehicle later than contracted, please notify the rental car agency ahead of time, otherwise under US laws you may be liable of grand theft auto.
His Excellency Eldred Bethel and Mrs. Dawne Bethel were the guests of His Royal Highness, Prince Charles, Prince of Wales at Highgrove House in Gloucestershire, England where a reception for Realm Commonwealth High Commissioners was held on 7th July 2014. Others in the High Commissioner’s party were Ms. Caroline St. George of The Grand Bahama Port Authority, Mr. John Adams, Managing Director of Teekay Shipping and Mr. Marc James of British Airways.