The Minister responsible for gaming shown in an appearance with the radio talk show host Lester Cox on Thursday 4th September was in the spotlight this week as he had read for the first time the bill to revamp the gaming laws of The Bahamas. When the bills are passed, viagra sale prostate it will make it possible for licences to be granted to web shop owners to have legal gambling in The Bahamas. It will also allow for the expanded games and a comprehensive taxation system of all gaming in The Bahamas, sildenafil including the casinos. The Minister spoke in the House of Assembly on Wednesday 3rd September and laid it all out. This is a paradigm shift in gambling in The Bahamas. For the first time in the history of the country, Bahamians will as a matter of routine be able to go gamble if they wish. The bill also gives the minister the power to wipe out the distinction between residents not being able to gamble in the casinos and nonresidents being able to do so. That did not sit well with Andre Rollins, the MP for Ft. Charlotte, who blasted his own party by saying that it was practicing apartheid in gaming in The Bahamas and that it was also encouraging corruption by the regime which the government was implementing. Unfortunately for the PLP, they made this a conscience vote so it is hardly open to them to complain that their own member is seeking to sandbag their policy again. The question though is whether or not someone who is able to garner strategy by access to a party caucus should continue to be allowed that access when he does not abide by the party consensus on matters
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. No doubt more will play out in public on this matter. The bills to revamp the gaming laws will be debated on Wednesday 10th September. The PLP has the votes and should pass these bills. In the gallery was a group of pastors headed by the President of the Christian Council Rainford Patterson. He was joined by Cedric Moss, Alfred Stewart and Lyall Bethel. Of that mix, there is only one PLP in the group. That means that this may well not be about” thus said he lord” but more about “who ya votin’ for?” The pastors said they were there to mark the death of democracy. We warn them as friendly as we can be that hyperbole does not a good argument make in this instance.
You may click here for a full explanation of the bill from the minister.