What James Smith had to say
James Smith, cialis canada recipe the former Central Bank Governor, the former Minister of State in the Ministry of Finance took issue with the report on investment by the United States government on investment in The Bahamas ( see Comment of the Week). His remarks were printed in The Tribune of 4th July:
“Any report that makes very critical commentary without supporting documentation and empirical information, I find strange…
“The report will have little impact on future investments in the country because potential investors will conduct a more thorough investigation into the country’s investment climate.
“Investors do much more thorough work since they are putting their money at risk. This report wouldn’t be effective because it cites anecdotal evidence.
“Does the report accurately reflect or report issues? That has not been demonstrated in an empirical way. It doesn’t lend itself to the kind of analysis one would expect from a country of that size and capability
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. It’s rather disappointing because they know people listen very carefully to what they say out of respect for their analysis. This doesn’t meet the test to me.
“If complaints were made to the US Embassy about the contract and procurement process in the Bahamas, the allegations should have been tested…
“How many cases of the allegations were made and how were they dealt with? How far out of line are these allegations and what impact might it have had? To me I would need much more definitive information. Otherwise it amounts to hearsay.”