Long Island Gets Water No Thanks To Loretta Butler Turner
The people of Long Island have been suffering for some time from of all things the lack of a water truck owned by the Water and Sewerage Corporation. That water truck carried fresh water to areas not served by the reverse osmosis plant in Deadman’s Cay, viagra canada viagra the islands main settlement. The people in the remote south in Clarence Town and beyond have been suffering with double the prices to get fresh water because the government owned tanker truck was out of service. Some relief has now come where the Corporation finally provided an alternative. One example is where people had been paying 100 dollars per load to the Water and Sewerage Corporation for water, buy cialis cialis that load for private contractors went to 250 dollars. That was clearly unsustainable. Already the 100 dollar figure is three times what those on the government piping system have to pay: 30 dollars per month on average
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. The residents report that Senator Alex Storr was instrumental in getting their water problem resolved, pharm along with Fred Mitchell MP for Fox Hill who visited the island at independence time. The residents report that there was a three hour rainfall last week as well which filled all the rain water tanks. Blessings abound.