On Thursday 1 August, viagra prostate check Arawak Homes who owns the Sir Lynden Pindling Estate announced what it said was the end of the road in a dispute with those contesting their right to the land in the estate. Some people had taken conveyances by others. They were told they had no title. They fought all the way to the Privy Council. Now Arawak Homes says the game is up. These owners have to come in and settle with Arawak Homes or face eviction is the unstated position. Given the previous high profile demolition of a church that failed to move when a court order was given, generic viagra view this is no idle statement by the company. People are busy trying to drum up sympathy on the case and here are no doubt some who are caught in a sad situation but a litigant that can fight all the way to the Privy Council, search that’s a different matter. That is not cheap. Hope Strachan who is the MP for the area spoke of her concern in this statement issued shortly after the announcement:
I wish to express my sincere concern with regards to you, the residents of Sir Lynden Pindling Estates and those of you residents who live along Charles Saunders Highway that have been adversely impacted by the Arawak Homes land dispute which was prominently featured in today’s newspapers.
This is most unfortunate. However, please be assured that my prayers are with you and your families.
I am actively monitoring this situation and I look forward to meeting with you very shortly in regard to this matter
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. Residents will be notified via social media, email and Community Announcements.
Minister Cynthia V Hope Strachan
Member of Parliament Seabreeze