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If you all want to mess up a good opportunity start nitpicking and finding fault and the whole thing will go down in flames. The government has been delayed by the Free National Movement and its leadership who incredulously claimed on Wednesday 30th July at the House of Assembly that despite all their public display of agreement on the matter, best viagra sovaldi sale they were not yet ready to debate the bills. They wanted more time to speak with their party members. So a meeting is to be held this week at the College of The Bahamas with their council and the PLP is to have one at the BCPOU Hall in Farrington Road. If this had been the PLP who had asked for more time, buy you would hear this bold press that we have saying how the PLP was always late. But this time not a word. Instead the Nassau Guardian was crowing about how statesman like the Leader of the Opposition was in his request to ask for more time. Wonders never cease. Meanwhile on the PLP side, malady there appears to be some nitpicking going on with this member and that member saying they are not for this or for that, stuck in the 19th century. We agree that these bills should be retroactive but now is not the time to raise that issue. We also agree with the Prime Minister that women are not weak minded and there is no fear of men running into the Bahamas and getting Bahamian citizenship by beguiling the women. That is the stupid view that got us in this position in the first place in the present constitution. Please get real. Lastly, we think that this idle debate about gay marriage is also just that idle . There is a big row over whether it should say discrimination against “sex” or against “gender” should be banned. Despite the professionals telling us that there is no need to address this issue because same sex marriage is already contrary to law and cannot be challenged because it is protected by the saving of existing law clause in the present constitution, you still have these homophobes who want to go further. The lesson is this, if you all keep fooling round and don’t go with what you got, the whole thing is going to be scuppered. We don’t believe that the consensus is going to hold but we keep hoping against hope. Our view is anything that expands rights, let’s vote for it. Anything that truncates rights, then leave it alone or we will oppose it.