Fred Mitchell MP for Fox Hill announced in the House of Assembly that the annual Fox Hill Festival marking the 180th anniversary of Emancipation of the slaves in the British empire will begin with Junkanoo on Monday 4th August at 1 a. m
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. at the Fox Hill Parade. This will be followed by the annual ecumenical service of thanksgiving to mark Emancipation Day in the presence of the Governor General Dame Marguerite Pindling. The festivities will include merriment on the parade grounds into the night. There will be a ground breaking ceremony on Wednesday 6th August at 7 p.m. for the construction of a monument to the four people killed in Fox Hill on 27th December last year with the Deputy Prime Minister Philip Davis doing the honours. The climax of the event is the Fox Hill Day festivities on Tuesday 12th August when the Prime Minister Perry Christie will come to Fox Hill to visit the various churches to watch the children perform their recitations.