The Leader of the FNM is Michael Pintard, fast talking, double talking and thinks he can talk himself out of every fix. Then there is the Chairman of the FNM Dr. Duane Sands. We have started calling him doctor death, after his doom and gloom message every week and day. He claimed that the PLP is for gangsterism. He also claimed that what the PLP was doing by traveling for the country is obscene.
The Chairman of the PLP responded by suggesting that he would not get into the mud pit with a pig.
This is the pair that wants to run The Bahamas. This is the pair that must be resisted at all costs.
Mr. Pintard had to resign as Chair of the FNM because of skullduggery alleged in a plot called a murder for hire. Dr. Sands was condemned by the courts for interfering with the Frank Smith case and then fired from his job as Minister of Health.
With this in their backgrounds, you would think that is enough for them to step back from public life. But they are a wild and wooly pair and they insist on imposing themselves upon the Bahamian people.
Our job here is to remind the Bahamian people of their true natures.
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Number of hits for the year for 2025 up to Saturday 8 March 2025 up to midnight: 6,478,813;