For two hours the now President of the United Sates Donald Trump stood before a podium on Tuesday 4 March 2025 in the House of Representatives of his country and spewed hatred, bile and dishonesty at every puss and dog. This was the state of the union address, the first since he became President again. He is a convicted criminal. Yet he was given a standing ovation in a country that is supposed to be the font of democracy and the rule of law around the world. None of that was evidenced in that annual ritual. What was evidenced instead was feckless, fawning adoration to a wicked man, who hates black people and women who stand up to him and is a wicked homophobe. But in this dispensation in the United States, none of the concern for groups of the disadvantaged was on display. The protests of the Opposition Democrats were feeble. One Congressman was thrown out. Even he did not seem to be quite clear as to what he was doing and his fellows did not support him but he got censured for doing so. We salute that one brave soul. America is in deep trouble and so is the world.