A criminal, a convicted felon has been elected President of the United States. This they say is a great example of democracy and well so be it.
The same man who refused to accept the system the last time. He led am insurrection against the system. He spoke ill of people in all sorts of nasty ways. He committed various criminal offences. Yet faced with a candidate of impeccable credentials, the people of the United States chose a convicted felon over a woman who was fit for purpose.
So turn off the CNN, Fox, ABC, NBC CBS, BBC, they are all not worth a piece of shit to quote the very man they now laud as President elect of the United States. They all covered this man as if he had some moral equivalence with his opponent, pleading journalistic balance. That was nonsense but they have to bear the responsibility now for the election of an idiot to office.
We don’t need to hear from pundits. Only one line comes to mind. The late Governor General of The Bahamas Arthur Hanna used to say” “ when you lose you lose, when you win you win.” What else is there to say.
We think that the world, the United States is in for a rough ride with this no good man in office. What a pity but those who elected him and supported him should suffer and the rest of the world will unfortunately suffer the good with the bad,
How sad.
What they all want now is for those who support the values of don’t bully people in the school yard, respect individuals for who they are, to now be quiet and worship the king.
Thank God there will still be some who will continue to say: but the emperor has no clothes.
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