On the 24 April 2024, the Grand Bahama Port Authority issued a press statement in which it said it was responding to what they called the public noise about the lack of attention to Freeport by the Grand Bahama Port Authority. The statement was strange, insulting as usual, and certainly inaccurate in all material particulars
They claimed that recent investments including the Carnival Cruise Port, the expansion of the shipyard, the RCL Cruise Port expansion, and the Doctors Hospital investment are all due to them. Not so. It is a lie from the pits of hell. They had nothing to do with them, except to collect money from the investors and retard progress.
We wondered why the statement was issued. It turns out that the statement was issued to greet the lawyers for the Government, led by Attorney General Ryan Pinder who went to Freeport, the same day as the press release, for the first of what is expected to be a series of meetings to concretize the formal demand for the Port to pay the government the 357 million dollars that have been demanded.
Someone needs to put the Port’s shareholders in their places and bring them to their senses. We have said in this column that they ought to remember that the Lord gives and the Lord takes away. That which was given to them in 1955 can by legislative fiat be taken away.
The Government of The Bahamas has clearly said that this is something that they do not want to do. But we say to the Government that this is something that you ought to threaten to do if these people do not come to their senses and stop talking ass.
Number of hits for the week ending Saturday 27 April 2024 up to midnight: 408,265;
Number of hits for the month of April up to Saturday 27 April 2024 up to midnight: 1,886,123;
Number of hits for the year 2024 up to Saturday 27 April 2024 up to midnight: 7,280,626;