The Prime Minister of Haiti Ariel Henry is the last vestige of legitimacy in Haiti, following the assassination of their President and the expiry of the terms of all legislators. In Haiti, they cannot settle amongst the elites when elections can be held. All they seem to want is that Mr. Henry goes. The international community asks: “Well if he goes who is going to shepherd the process to elections?” They don’t care. They just want him gone. So as the streets are taken over by gangs, 80 per cent of the neighbourhoods, by some counts, and no one wants Mr. Henry but that can’t agree on anyone else. What next? People are waiting for the Kenyans and other international actors to come in and secure some semblance of security. You have the local thug Guy Philipe trying now to foment another coup attempt. In short, it just seems chaos and a cry for rescue more urgently than ever.