This week Dr. Duane Sands, otherwise known as Ernie, issued two voice notes to attack the Prime Minister Philip Davis and the Foreign Minister Fred Mitchell on crime. His riff was that because the two had appeared at the Alvin Ailey performance last week in Miami, the Prime Minister was jetting all around and not paying attention to crime on the home front. That is a non sequitur and the Foreign Minister pointed out the folly of his arguments. The next morning after the Foreign Minister’s note, Dr. Sands came again, this time invoking the name of the late Bradley Roberts. Wrong move. Fred Mitchell put on his other cap and told Dr. Sands that while he could tell him about his ma, he would not but instead he would simply warn him that when he goes low, Mr Mitchell can go lower. Columnist Kelly Burows warned Mr. Mitchell to hold his disposition, for tomorrow’s another day. The problem is Dr. Sands having been condemned for interfering in a criminal matter in court, and having been fired for breaking the covid rules, now he wants to lecture the PLP on crime. The PLP’s projects to stop the young men for running wild in the streets were all canceled by the FNM administration of which he was a part, and now that the young men are going wild, the want to blame the PLP. What a nasty and politically inept individual he is.