So yada yada yada, all the drums and car horns and exhortations and threats did not amount to anything. As Shakespeare said” sound and fury signifying nothing”. Shane Gibson is not the nominee for the PLP and is on the out with no support in the PLP for a candidacy. Kingsley Smith Jr. is god willing the successor to Obie Wilchcombe
The Chairman of the PLP Fred Mitchell was tasked back in 2019 by the Leader of the PLP to go to Grand Bahama and seek out the next generation of the leadership for the party. The Leader Philip Davis had decided that Kingsley Smith Jr was a fit and proper person to get the nomination and invited him to join the PLP and to apply for the nomination.
Things did not work out that way, but the Lord has his own way. As things have unfolded with the untimely death of Obie Wilchombe, Mr. Smith was in the wings ready willing and able. He has the support of the Grand Baham community. We have work to do.
There should not have been any contest over this from outside the constituency. That is what the PLP thought. Then suddenly out of nowhere comes the challenge of Shane Gibson. Why would be do it? No one really knows.
In any event, it is done. Mr. Smith who is the son of Stalwart Councilor Kingsley Smith Sr of blessed memory. His mother is a Martin from the Martin clan of West Grand Bahama. He will do well.
His Uncle is Philip Smith, also a stalwart councilor from West End.
All is well that ends well.
Number of hits ending Saturday 28 October 2023 up to midnight: 387,874;
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