The people of the world have a lot to ask about the United States and its policies and practices. This nation founded by a group of white male farmers who patterned their constitution, written though it is, after the kingship that they left behind, has now charged their former president with paying hush money to a whore. They say they are doing this on the principle that no one is above the law.
This is not a new principle of course. Oliver Cromwell who founded the modern British democracy said the same thing when he took over the United Kingdom and executed the then monarch Charles I, who unfortunately stuck to his guns that he had a divine right to rule. The Brits showed him. They cut off his head.
So Donald Trump, the former US President, is to appear in court charged with this criminal offence on Tuesday of this week. In response, Mr. Trump in his inimitable style attacked everyone and their grandmother, except himself of course. He claimed that this was a witch hunt, that it was a political persecution and that the District Attorney, a Black man, was a racist. Security will be really tight around the court room, just in case, the folk who tried to overthrow the government on 6 January 2021, try to pull a stunt like that again.
We find this all amusing.
It’s like Justin Trudeau who was supposed to be the champion of liberal values and individual freedom, locking everyone up in their houses in Canada in the name of a health pandemic.
In the end the systems in Canada, Britain and the United States that they talk about, comparing it favourably to Russia and China’s authoritarian regimes, do the same things that the systems in China and Russia do. When they want to get you, they come after you and rules or not, they get you.
Donald Trump is an idiot, a racist and criminal, don’t let’s feel sorry for him. However, it was the system in the United States that elected him their president and he messed up the world big time by the nonsense that he did.
It took them this long to find out that he was an idiot, a racist and a criminal.
The U S used to call countries that did this sort of stuff banana republics. Well we hear the leaves rustling.
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