Leader of the Opposition Michael Pintard is getting desperate. He told the press last week that he has spoken to two lawyers about suing the government on the basis that the Government has not complied with the provisions of the Public Procurement Act. This is an act which was passed by the FNM early in their term of office to please their foreign minders from the IDB and the IMF but which they refused to bring into effect until weeks before the last election. In other words they used the preexisting legislation to give contracts to their supporters but brought this Act in to stop the PLP from helping its supporters. The PLP opposed the legislation. Fred Mitchell when a Senator went further during the debate and said he would never follow it. The PLP has argued that the act was designed to hobble the PLP’s ability to engage in affirmative action, to help small and non-connected contractors to get work from the government. The Government has said they will rework the act. This delay frustrates Mr. Pintard and the fact that contracts have been let by the Government. So off to court he will go. The Prime Minister’s response on Thursday past was “ bring it on”.