Well it seems that at this point in this premiership, Philip Brave Davis is more popular than Pindling was at the height of his popularity. Public Domain said they polled 800 odd people and asked them by phone about the performance of the Government and the answer came back: 70 per cent approval of the Prime Minister and 64 per cent for the Government. This is remarkable and stratospheric. This must stick the FNM in the eye. They ran a nasty racist campaign against this man last year. Their campaign was that Philip Davis was too black, came from the wrong side of the tracks, and couldn’t talk and they said couldn’t go to the United States. Of course, the week before this Hubert Ingraham was saying that all the PLP is good for was public relations. Well seems that the public thinks otherwise. Generally, two-thirds of the country is pleased with the performance of the PLP. But let us remember, we have miles to go before we sleep.