The joy of Labour Day and the calm of the Whit Monday holiday was shattered shortly after nine a m on Whit Monday when a plane piloted by Brad McPhee took off from Deadman’s Cay, Long Island and came down a few minutes later in the bush, killing a young woman Aleithia Newbold. She was all of 22. Within minutes the video of the smoking right engine was on the What App chats. Within the week, the talk was that the failure of the regulatory climate in The Bahamas had led to the death of the young woman. Some pronounced the pilot a hero because it could have been worse they said. The plane is an N registered aircraft which means the U S was responsible for its regulation although hackers in The Bahamas are the bane of aviation. The plane has since been removed from the bushes in Long Island and survivors are now telling the horrible story. The authorities say they are waiting to interview the pilot.