Shane Gibson, former Minister and MP told the Juan McCartney Radio show these words on 31st May 2022: “When Minnis was running for leader [of the Free National Movement], I was in the smoker’s room [in the House of Assembly] one day and he came to me and said, ‘Shane, the Eastern Road boys want Loretta [Butler-Turner] to be leader and they won’t give me any funding, so I need you to help me raise some money.’
“He came to me. I didn’t come to him. I helped him raise money, like $100,000. I went to his little jam up balcony on his condo up top and put cash in his hand where I helped him raise money. Me and him were cool.”
We in the PLP and in the journalist community have known this information for years. We are happy that it is out in the public domain.
Dr. Minnis has threatened to sue. He says it ain’t true. Mr. Gibson told him bring his lawyers because he will defend it.
We do not believe Dr. Minnis and it is an example of the kind of character he is.
Nothing more needs to be said.