20 to 23rd April 2022
EXUMA, The Bahamas — Deputy Prime Minister Chester Cooper, Minister of National Security Wayne Munroe, and party, currently at Regatta Park for the National Family Island Regatta, April 21-23. (BIS Photo/Kemuel Stubbs)
In a great surprise move, the Prime Minister Philip Davis announced at his festival in Cat Island that the Regattas would be back this year. So it was an amazing sight to see the Family Island Regatta, the granddaddy of them all , featured in Exuma this time since 1953, that it is back and in full flight. The Prime Minister Philip Davis flew in for it, and other Ministers as well including the MP for Exuma Chester Cooper. Joining them: the Minister of Foreign Affairs Fred Mitchell, Myles Laroda, the Minister of State, Pia Glover Rolle, the Misner of State, the Minister of National Security Wayne Munroe. A great time was had by all and kudos to Danny Strachan . the ever faithful Commodore of the Regatta Committee.
Minister for Regattas Clay Sweeting aboard a sailing sloop