Baroness Patricia Scotland, the Commonwealth Secretary General, is in Nassau for the Commonwealth Law Conference. She is up for a second term, but her original term is extended by the fact of the Covid pandemic. Caricom has agreed to support her but maybe just maybe there are problems brewing. For some reason the Caricom support is not as strong as it should be. Some Caricom countries have bought into the nonsense that she is a British stooge and not really Caribbean even though she grew up in Dominica and also has Antiguan ancestry. She defeated Sir Ronald Saunders, the Antiguan diplomat for the post with the support of The Bahamas the last time around. The current FNM administration supports her. The PLP says they will continue that support. The problem is now Africa. The Kenyan President has now nominated his former Defense Minister as rival to the Baroness. So now we have two women in the race. The irony of this is that she is the first female to get the job but unlike her male predecessors they are not allowing her to have a second term. Most people think that this is largely driven by the British who have incentivized the Kenyans because she is a Labour party member and because of a series of lies promoted by the racist British press. We think she deserves a second term without reservation. Baroness Scotland meets with the Leader of The Opposition on Tuesday.