So the decree went out on Tuesday night that there is to be an election. So said our trusted Prime Minister to his troops the night before. He told then that this would be a sprint and not a marathon. It would be a short campaign.
Of course the law provides for a short campaign and every election since Sir Lynden Pindling amended the law, it has been for the minimum 21 days. That is not news.
The problem we have is a fellow who doesn’t know anything about anything at the helm of the country and that is the Prime Minister and that he needs to go.
Never mind though, he was questioned by the press at the end of the week on Friday 16 July 2021. He started bobbing and weaving, telling the press that all he is doing is getting the troops ready.
The PLP said ready or not, just bring it on.
The question you have to ask yourself is what does this fellow Hubert Minnis see that we don’t see. He is clearly on the ground and out front the most unpopular Prime Minister in the history of the country and certainly the most unpopular man in the country today.
His Minister of Health Renward Wells tried to help him out by suggesting that the emergency orders will fall away on 13 August 2021 and will not be renewed.
He didn’t mention one little thing, the hospital wards are full and the hospital said don’t bring any more to us unless it’s an emergency.
That is what we face. A country wide open, overwhelmed by covid cases and a Prime Minister who thinks he is popular because he saved our lives from covid. As Shakespeare’s Hamlet said : Why what an ass am I.
Number of hits for the week ending Saturday, 17th July, 2021 up to midnight: 426, 443;
Number of hits for the month of July up to Saturday, 17th July, 2021 up to midnight: 872,762;
Number of hits for the year 2021 up to Saturday, 17th July, 2021 up to midnight: 8,180,010.