31 December 2020
The Chairman of the PLP Senator Fred Mitchell issued this statement in response to the latest attack by the FNM on the Leader of the PLP, who criticized the FNM for bungling the orders on Christmas day which stopped Bahamians from going into restaurants:
In reading the FNM’s latest mindless statement, I am forced to ask if both the FNM Chairman and his boss wake up in the morning and eat stupidity for breakfast. There can be no other logical reason why these two men, Prime Minister Minnis and Carl Culmer, keep obsessing with trash talk about the Leader of the PLP instead of governing.
For example, as hotels and restaurants struggle to survive in this moribund economy, the Prime Minister signed an Emergency Order on Christmas day that threatened to put them out of business. The Competent Authority, the doctor at the helm during this pandemic, has since changed the Order twice in the face of a backlash and criticism from industry stakeholders. The inconsistencies have left the public confused and the business community totally frustrated.
The Competent Authority and doctor is par for the course though as the country was ranked dead last for its handling of the COVID-19 pandemic. It is clear that many of the Prime Minister’s decisions were driven by politics and not science.
While the FNM and its hapless Chairman are fast asleep at the wheel, unemployment remains at an all time high, the food lines are around the corner, suicides are up, crime is surging and Grand Bahama continues to die a slow, painful economic death. Nothing this government has tried on Grand Bahama has succeeded.
These issues deeply concern Bahamians and must be urgently fixed by this government.
Most Bahamians believe the country is moving in the wrong direction under this FNM government and change is needed. This public sentiment is obviously lost on the FNM Chairman and his boss, the doctor at the helm.
After more than three years of governance, they ignore public sentiment and still believe that Philip Brave Davis is the issue.
This is truly sad.