Robert Myers for the Organization for responsible governance
The Organization for Responsible Governance (ORG), one of these anti PLP groups, that formed in and around the last general election to oust the PLP, fixed up a deal with the Ministry of Tourism of The Bahamas to bring in and administer as many as three million antigen Covid tests which were supposed to be administered on everyone retuning here to The Bahamas. Except the Government at the last minute and without so much as a “by your leave” cancelled the programme. They trotted out Dr. Delon Brennen from his redoubt in Washington D C to say that such tests would have been useless anyway. We reported here that the test that they were using had not been FDA approved in the U S and so this seemed a useless exercise. Well Robby Myers who runs ORG was not to happy. He said to the press last week that this one of the reasons he did not like to deal with governments; that the organization had in fact spent money and now it was all wasted. We wonder if he will now set out to vote the FNM out of office. Doubt it. Just give him a minute to catch his breath and the PLP will be the crooks once again.