Just about midweek last week, a post went out across the social media platforms that Adrian Gibson, the FNM’s victimizer in chief in Long Island. had decided to put water in his constituency but only in the settlements that voted for the FNM. The story was that the water pipes were laid up to Thompson Bay and then the settlements of McKann’s and Millers, the two PLP settlements were jumped over and the pipes began again in the FNM settlements going north. This went viral and Queen B, the social media activist took him to task. On Friday 27th January, Adrian Gibson , the Chairman of the Water and Sewerage Corporation and the MP for Long Island issued a long rambling statement which confirmed that the settlements were indeed being skipped over. He filled it with all sorts of horse dead and cow fat. Some stuff about the Caribbean Development Bank and the money they loaned the Corporation and how there were only 35 customers and it didn’t make sense to do so economically. Yada! Yada! Yada! Bottom line the PLP settlements will not be getting water anytime soon.