Renward Signs A Document
The Parliamentary Secretary Renward Wells MP is in a bit of a pickle because of a document shown on the web which alleges that he signed it and committed in a letter of intent to a half a billion dollar plus waste to energy project. People who have read it said that it is so circumscribed with what ifs that it is not worth the paper it is written on and is entirely unenforceable. However, viagra buy decease that did not stop the press and the pundits from having a field day about how Mr
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. Wells who is not a Cabinet minister could sign such a document without the leave of his minister or the Cabinet. Philip Davis, unhealthy the Deputy Prime Minister, to whom he reports, made it clear that he did not authorize the signature. This act made the list of matters delineated by the Leader of the Opposition in his press statement which he said were examples of the Prime Minister’s bad governance. Of course, health he is one to talk, having appointed a senator who ends up having to be dismissed because he was charged with a gun offence and would not resign.