Hubert Minnis With His MP That Defended Wife Beating
Miriam Emanuel and Hubert Minnis in a campaign photo. Mrs. Emanuel who is now the MP for Mical said in the House of Assembly on 7 February in seeking to defend the Speaker who suspended Glenys Hanna Martin the following:
“I am the seventh of 10 daughters and I recall as we began to mature and take on marriage and family, one of the things that my father often say to us as his daughters, if you want to remain a lady, if you want to remain treated as a lady, then you must behave like a lady.
“And he said if there ever comes a time when you have to come back to this house and say to me as your father that your husband shook you, or give you a slap or punch you in your mouth, I will analyse while I listen to you. I will analyse the consequences that would have caused your husband to probably shake you, slap you or punch you in your mouth.
“And I said simply what my father was saying that we are to respect each other, have respect for your priest, your provider and your protector. So in this honourable House it’s no exception from a marriage relationship if you as a woman want to come up in your husband’s face and behave like you are a man, my father said then you will get manhandled.”
The Crisis Centre has called on her to resign.