Arnold Forbes MP Says Committee To Meet In Two Weeks
We are pleased to hear that the Committee on Privileges is to meet to investigate the matter of the allegations surrounding the body Save The Bays, viagra canada an environmental organization, viagra generic that is a front for various activities of a political nature by foreign interests. The matter went to the House of Assembly when it was revealed that 8 million dollars passed through their accounts to fund various activities in The Bahamas. The Committee should meet with dispatch and call for persons and papers including Judge Indra Charles who issued an injunction against the parliament and therefor violated the privilege of Parliamentarians. The Committee should also call Fred Smith and Ferron Bethel, the lawyers who sought the injunction. They should call Kirk Bodie, the musician known as KB, Joe Darville, who is Fred Smith’s shadow in this business and they should look into the bank accounts of the firm of Callendars and Co in connection with this. The trail of paperwork may surprise you what is happening here. Let’s get to work Mr. Chairman.