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Comment of the week


09/15/24 10:52 AM

Michael Michael where are ya?

Gone to Eleuthera ha ha ha

  • PLP Chairman Fred Mitchell

13 September 2024

For the past week, the people of Eleuthera and The Bahamas, suffering through power cuts and water shortages, were entertained by Michael Pintard, the Leader of the Opposition, as he gave out bottles of water in Governor’s Harbour.

Many may not remember the 1992 campaign, the last and losing campaign of Lynden Pindling’s for  Prime Minister.  Sir Lynden thought he had Hubert Ingraham on the ropes when he called Huert Ingraham the “delivery boy”, in answer to the slogan of the FNM in 1992 of “Deliverance”.  The FNM turned that negative into a positive.

So Michael Pintard is obviously thinking that he could turn the attack of calling him the “water boy”  of the port into a positive by giving out water in Eleuthera.  But the pundits were quick to point out that you can’t bathe in those little bottles of water that he was giving out.

The serious point though is this was a man who told Fred Micthell that he should stay out of Grand Bahama’s business because Mr. Mitchell was from Nassau.  Never mind that Mr. Pintard too is from Nassau.  Yet there was Mr. Pintard in Elethera minding the business of the people of Eleuthera.

Shouldn’t the MPs of Eleuthera Sylvanus Petty and Clay Sweeting now say to Michael Pintard stay your behind in Grand Bahama, where you  cannot even keep the lights on.

Now guess what? After being missing in Eleuthera giving out water, Mr./ Pintard finally showed up to his party’s rally in Freeport, saying that he agrees with the Government that  the rate increase should not be given. A day late and a dollar short.

And why oh why do you have to hide behind the gown tail of the government?  Either you are for it or against it.  All we needed was a clear unequivocal statement by the FNM’s leader that he is against the increase and against the Grand Bahama Port Authority and stand with the people of Marco City, Grand Bahamians and Bahamians generally.  That’s all.

Number of hits for the week ending Saturday 14 September 2024 up to midnight: 976,797;

Number of hits for the month of September 2024 up to Saturday 14 September 2024 up to midnight: 1,529,889;

Number of hits for the year 2024 up to Saturday 14 September 2024 up to midnight: 9,604,996;





09/15/24 10:49 AM

Tribune image

Two people have lost their lives in a plane crash some eight miles off New Providence.  Five people plus the pilot were on a plane bound for Andros on Thursday 12 September 2024. They took off from Nassau around midday on a five seater Aztec with Cardi Newton at the controls. When they got over Andros the story is that it was blinding rain and they could not see the runway.  Even when the lights were turned on, they couldn’t see. Instead he decided to abort and return to Nassau.  It is believed he ran out of gas and the plane careened into the ocean. The investigation will either support or confirm what happened but the fact is two people are dead.  The man is a well-known resident Allen Russell and the other a woman Emma McQueen was on her way to her mother’s funeral.  This again highlights the risks that people flying that ten minute flight between North Andros and Nassau take because there are not enough commercial seats on regularly scheduled and regulated airlines to fly to Nassau. A few years ago in 2018, six people lost their lives when a hacker flew the plane in a blinding rainstorm into the sea.  He was not qualified to fly by instruments. So is this a case of here we go again?



09/15/24 10:48 AM

The FNM are some of the greatest flammers in the world. Their leader is a great actor and dramatic artist.  There they were on Thursday 12 September 2024 all dressed in their red shirts, all of them.  The Leader (the missing in action Michael Pintard), the Deputy Leader, the MPs including poor Iram Lewis.  They were protesting after the office hours of the power company and well after everyone else had had their say, that they too were against the power rate increases in Grand Bahama. This is what the Chairman of the PLP called: a day late and a dollar short.



09/15/24 10:46 AM

There was a long press release by two companies called Lusco and Tamarind Development.   They are from Grand Bahama and they are simply part of the Grand Bahama Port Authority’s group of companies. The story was to tell us why the bridge to Taino Beach is still closed after a year and no action seems to be ongoing to fix the damn thing. Well here is their story. They say all this time they have been talking to experts to make sure that while the repairs are going on the power can stay on and the water can stay on for those customers living across the bridge that has taken a year,  Then they say they have finally hit upon an expert company Bahamas Hot Mix to fix the bridge.  Now what would take them so long to settle on Bahamas Hot Mix since Bahamas Hot Mix does the Port’s work almost all the time anyway.  The thing has taken so long. The story is so fanciful.  Inquiring and reasonable minds have simply concluded that is not the true story at all. The true story is they simply don’t have the money to fix the bridge.  We stand to be corrected.



09/15/24 10:45 AM

For two days of last week Michael Pintard was minding the business of the people of Eleuthera instead of minding his own business and that of the people, of Grand Bahama. Not that we think in law he does not have the jurisdiction to give out water in Eleuthera but the whole thing seems a bit of a double standard and a certain contradiction in terms.  A few weeks ago Michael Pintard told Fred Mitchell that he should stay out of Freeport because Mr. Mitchell was from Nassau.  That was foolishness of course.  However, let’s follow his logic now that he was in Eleuthera.  Shouldn’t Clay Sweeting and Sylvanus Petty the MPS for Eleuthera be entitled to say: stay your behind in Grand Bahama and stop minding the business of Eleuthera?  Ah what a web we weave when first we practice to deceive.



09/15/24 10:42 AM

Fred Mitchell, Minister of Foreign Affairs, spoke at the luncheon meeting of the trade, commerce and investment seminar by the Embassy of the Commonwealth of The Bahamas in Washington D.C. on 12 September 2024 at the University Club.  It attracted investors and public officials from across the United States.  The headline speaker was the Deputy Prime Minister Chester Cooper, who is the Minister responsible for investments. The Foreign Minister Fred Mitchell spoke at the lunch and told the story of how The Bahama is developing its foreign policy to act in concert with the strategy of attracting trade and investment to The Bahamas. Minister for Economic Affairs Micahel Pintard also joined the meeting.



09/15/24 10:41 AM

 Here is the text in full of the Minster’s address 12 September 2024 and the audio file.  The address took place in Washington D C at the University Club:

It is a privilege to be here once again at the University Club at lunch and to join you at this lunch

I wish thank and congratulate Deputy Prime Minister Chester Cooper and his staff who are the progenitors in our Blue Print for Change of the idea of linking publicly and officially the PLP’s mandate to link foreign affairs with international trade and investment.

Since I have had this job it was my wish that each office overseas would become a centre to attract trade and investment to The Bahamas.

Foreign Affairs is not a quick business.  It has been 13 years since we made the decision as a small island developing state to move beyond our traditional trading partners the US, Canda and the UK, Caricom and the EU to other spheres of interest.

In getting the permission of the Cabinet to do so we argued that there were two sources of surplus capital in the world, as we were looking for opportunities outside of those traditional spheres: the Middle East and the Far East.

We had had substantial success without outreach to China but had never ventured into the Middle East.

We decided that we would approach three countries in the first instance: UAE, Qatar and Saudi Arabia.  They were well known in the west and had had a history of doing business with the west and were considered allies of the west.  Those relationships are only now beginning to bear fruit as a result of the mutual ambitions of those countries with ours.

We have the confluence of interests around renewable energy and climate change.  They have ambitions of improving and increasing their footprints around the world.  It was an easy fit.

Recently there was a 250 million dollar agreement signed which is capital advanced for the improvement of the North Elethera airport. 

We have also just presented credentials to the government of Bahrain in a further outreach to that area.

I like to say that reputation is better than money.

Good will is better than money

Relationships are key

We in The Bahamas are in need of capital but we do not want to give the impression of a country that is simply entering into relationships with our hands in some other nation’s pockets.  Nations have interests and we want to make it clear that relationships are built on trust and mutual interests.

There are some agreements with all of these countries that will further enhance that mutuality.

We are presently discussing an asset protection agreement and a double taxation agreement with the UAE.

We have signed a number of cooperation agreements with both UAE and Qatar

Fortunately as we move around the world, there is still he ah ha factor about The Bahamas.

It looms large in the imagination of many people around the world.  I was once in a meeting with the Tourism Minister of Morrocco

He began the meeting by saying IT’S BETTER IN THE BAHAMAS

I agreed with him.

I have said to all I meet that one pattern of behaviour with The Bahamas is to come and see us and inevitably people fall in love with the place and want to invest.

We have tried to ensure that as much as possible there is a seamless welcome to The Bahamas and that it is an easy place with which you can do business and that we are open for business.  I am sure that you have already heard this morning how we have approved billions of dollars of investments in our country since coming to power in 2021 and there are more on the way.

Just recently a billion plus in Grand Bahama

The results have been good if you ask Chinese, Americans, Jamaicans, Canadiana, British or Germans, the results have been good for them.

Our traditional partners continue to invest and spread the word.

I want to thank Ambassador Wendall Jones then for his work toward ensuring that the news gets out. This is a useful forum both for those interested investing and for those who   have to sell the story of investment in The Bahamas.

It is a good story to tell.  Reminds me of joke my friend Shippen Bright used to say.  His dad used to fly him around in The Bahamas in his private plane as a youngster and he would say as they were getting into the plane, looking up at the azure blue sky: well Ship another lousy Bahama day.

There are 700 islands. 365 are reportedly in Exuma where Chester Cooper represents, so for each there is a unique opportunity.  I know that the idea of a deep water port in Mayaguana is one that is still waiting to get going. There is the idea of agriculture in Andros.  There are expansive opportunities in fishing. There are ready willing and able partners in tourism and other join venture opportunities.

We are a nation of just under 400k but we host 9 million people a year.  That’s no market to sneeze at.

So my view is we are open for business. Our consulates and embassies are the doorway to the trade and commercial opportunities. We welcome all people of goodwill and I thank for this opportunity to reinforce that message today.



Letters to the editor


In passing


09/15/24 10:39 AM

There was a debate last week between Kamala Harris, the U S Vice President and the candidate for the Democratic Party for the post of President of the United States. The debate seems to have been a waste of time because according to the outturn, the needle did not move in either direction in terms of support in the general on 5 November 2024, either way.  The pundits think that the debate was won by Mrs. Harris.  They argue that she baited a rambling, tired and incoherent opponent to ramble on with nonsense. Among the most nonsensical is the claim that Haitian immigrants in Springfield, Ohio were eating the pets of the citizens there. It is clear that Donald Trump is unfit to be president of the United States. It is clear except to voters in the U.S.  They are the only ones that count. All we can do is pray and wish his opponent well.



09/15/24 10:38 AM

There is someone called The Gatekeeper, who refuses to reveal his or her true identity. The press published last week a letter by this gatekeeper troubling the PLP about the appointment of Quinton Lightbourne as a Senator, even though he now is the alternate director for the Inter-American Development Bank in Washington DC.  The post allows him to travel back and forth for Senate meetings.  The press asked Mr. Lightbourne about it and Fred Mitchell, the Chairman of the PLP.  Both men indicated that the post does not require a residency in The Bahamas. It does require attendance within a certain period and so long as that is not violated there is no issue in law. Further, there is no constituency to attend to as such as in Members of Parliament.  Looks to us like this isn’t FNM mischief but friendly fire.  Someone within is trying to force the PM’s hand. Picking a new Senator now would in our view cause more trouble than it’s worth.



09/15/24 10:34 AM

Congratulations and best wishes to the Peoples National Party (PNP) of Jamaica on their annual convention which began in Kingston. Jamaica on 13 September 2024. We wish Comrade Mark Golding, leader of the PNP, and all his colleagues the best during the convention.



09/15/24 10:32 AM

Rupert Hayward is the grandson of Jack Hayward and is the mouthpiece of the Grand Baham Port Authority in its attacks on the Bahamas Government. He is a Bahamian citizen so he thinks he is not vulnerable on that point. The problem is his mouth keeps getting him in problems and he won’t shut the hell up.  Last week, he was in the paper saying how the Grand Bahama Port Authority is agnostic when it comes to politics and they give money to both political parties.  He was seeking no doubt to help Michael Pintard in his work, where he is trying to bait the PLP into a contest about who gave what to whom as political donations.  The Prime Minister Philip Davis made it clear that the PLP does not kiss and tell. Mr. Hayward apparently does. He said the Port gives to both parties. The Prime Minister said that he did not receive or accept any gift from the Grand Bahama Port Authority in the last election, although, he did caution that he could not speak for other candidates.  The PLP should announce that it will not, nor will its MPs take any gift from the Grand Bahama Port Authority in the next general election.  The message to Mr. Hayward is this: who asked you any way to get in this?  It’s none of your business. The question is one for the Leader of the Opposition to answer? Is he singing for his supper, a promise of future consideration? That is what this is about. Stay out of big peoples business if you please.

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