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In an unusual move the progenitor of the mega billion dollar structure out on Cable Beach called Bahamar Sarkis Izmirlian issued a statement on 24th March in which he said that the contractor China Construction was responsible for not completing the project to the Bahamar standard and so they had no choice but to cancel the opening for 27th March and set a new time in May. That was not a surprise to anyone. Few people in the know believed that this project would have opened by 27th March. There is no end of back channel criticism of Sarkis Izmirlian over this project. The thinking is that perhaps he has simply bitten off more than he can chew. The project has been in trouble with the Government, buy viagra with rows in public with the government. The project has been in trouble with the public for not producing what it said it would for Bahamians and hiring 8,000 Chinese labourers. Now add to that fighting between the owners and the project contractors. The story brought the Wall Street Journal into the fray who said that this does not bode well for China Construction who had been hoping to use this project in Nassau as a signature one which could show American businesses that they had the ability to finish work, up to standard and on time. China Construction responded by saying it wasn’t their fault. That time line though has gone out the window it seems. Now what actually suffers in the end are the economy and the people of The Bahamas
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. We just want the thing open. Sometime ago one of the rich residents of Lyford Cay called in a public official and begged that official to pass the message on that someone else had to manage that Bahamar project if it was going to be a success. One wonders now.