viagra canada treatment times;”>Communication by Fred Mitchell MP
ask times;”>House of Assembly
18th March 2015
Nassau, The Bahamas
On Operations In Abaco
Following on a report that 60 people believed to be from Haiti slipped in undetected into Abaco and without visas in the early hours of 12th March, a period of more intensive checks has been mounted in Abaco by the Department of Immigration beginning today.
Immigration officers were transported by HMBS Nassau this morning to Marsh Harbour and began immigration checks assisting the local immigration force. The Department of Immigration is supported by the Royal Bahamas Police Force
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. The Royal Bahamas Defence Force is also on standby for support.
The operations will unfold over several days.
Wednesday 18 March
The Department of Immigration continues its interdiction exercise in Abaco in search of the 60 or so migrants believed to have entered The Bahamas illegally on 12 March form Haiti,
Forty seven people have been detained thus far are to be brought back to Nassau.
There was on incident in which a Bahamian citizen has been charged with attempting to assault immigration officers with a knife. he was charged in the magistrate’s court in March Harbour with an offence.
The Officers on the scene report that the cooperation of the people of Abaco has been excellent notwithstanding the incident and the checks will continue.
The operations are expected to continue throughout the month.