Melanie Griffin Answers The DNA’s Nastiness On Social Services
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discount cialis cialis sale times;”>The Ministry of Social Services & Community Development wishes to respond to reports in the media by the Democratic National Alliance (DNA) alleging that the social programmes offered by the Department “have morphed into nothing more than a sham rather than attempt to truly assist struggling families”, cialis sales medicine that “supervisors at the office arrived and demanded that the DNA women leave the premises or be reported for trespassing on Government Property”, were “relegated to the area across the street”, that “officials at the department then instructed an on duty security guard to sell chips to the very persons, who, just minutes earlier were receiving free food items” and that “clearly the reason DNA Women’s Alliance was chased from the building’s sidewalks was because their efforts were cutting into the profits of those operating that office”.
While the Ministry welcomes assistance in addressing the needs of persons seeking to provide services to our clients, it must be done in an orderly fashion and in line with established protocols. It is not fair to just show up, without proper pre-arranged authority from the Department, at the entrance to the center, where they acknowledge that “hundreds of individuals gathered in lines” to serve food and impede the orderly process established by the Center to ensure the swift servicing of clients. While they were told they could not remain at the entrance to the center, they were allowed to continue what they were doing in the parking lot and not across the street as alleged.
The facts are:
- The DNA showed up at the entrance to a government agency in political paraphernalia, without advising or seeking approval from the office of the Director of Social Services, which would have advised them of any protocol required to achieve their goal.
- They were asked to move from the entrance of the Center where what they were doing impacted the delivery of service by the Center to its clients. They were allowed to remain in the parking lot.
- The Ministry denies that any “official” from the Department “instructed an on duty security guard to sell chips”. However, the Ministry will look into the allegations made that chips were being sold to clients and invites the group to provide any proof they have of same to the office of the Director.
- The Ministry denies that the DNA Women’s Alliance was “chased”. The fact is the leader of the group was called into the office, advised that they could not remain at the entrance to the Center and requested to move. Reports are that the leader was very receptive to the request at the time.
- The Ministry further denies that the reason for them being asked to move had anything to do with any profits to be gained by “those operating that office”. We stand by the integrity of the fine managers of the Center whose records are without blemish.
Again, while we welcome assistance from various organizations, we advise the public that it must be done with the proper authority, in an orderly way and in line with established protocols and procedures so as not to impede the delivery of service to our clients and undermine all the Department is doing to preserve the dignity of our clients and provide more efficient and timely delivery of service by our staff which eases the tension for all and the avoidance of altercations and arguments.
We are also able to advise that extra space has been secured in the building to expand the office and since Tuesday, February 23rd, 2015 the Department has in place customer service agents at the centers to ensure more efficient and timely service to our valued clients, particularly older persons, persons with disabilities and persons who sometimes find themselves in distress. In addition, work has already begun for the expansion of the prepaid visa card to the Horseshoe Drive Center. This will eliminate the long lines, the many hours recipients have to spend to receive service and more importantly, again, preserve the dignity of thousands of persons who receive food and other assistance from the Department and who we are sure do not agree that Social Services is a sham.