viagra canada help times;”>Perry Christie is looking good.
I saw him yesterday.
He seems to be having a good time.
He looks like he is in the zone.
It is hard to beat a man who is having fun at his job.
Perry Christie appears to believe he is on the right track.
Maybe he is. For the sake of the Bahamas, I hope he is. He is the eternal optimist. But leadership requires optimism. He has to be able to make the rest of us believe that it is possible and we can do it.
The crown is a heavy burden. You try hard for an ungrateful populace who continue to want more and more and more. And the minute you cannot give them more they forget all that you have given them before and start cursing you and calling you all sorts of names. Lets remember that Perry Christie can only give us his loyalty and focus. Everything else is ours that he is distributing back to us.
We ave to remember that sometimes the leader is not in control even though he pretends to be in control. Sometimes the leader is just like the rest of us – doing the best that he can at the time.
Perry Christie needs to sort BAMSI out. BAMSI needs to be put on sound legal footing. Legislature needs to be brought to properly establish BAMSI. The national spy agency needs to be sorted out. It has to be put on sound legal footing. The government is behaving unlawfully with the allocation of funds to an agency that does not legally exist.
National Health Insurance is an important element of our national health care system. The people who will benefit from NHI are Bahamians. Therefore Bahamians should pay for it. We need to get away from this something for nothing attitude. Yes it will cost. Yes it might hurt. But some pain is worth it. In my humble opinion NHI is an important step forward for The Bahamian people.So I want to make it clear that my comments, which will be taken out of context and partially repeated, are not to oppose NHI. I fervently support the concept. My energies are directed to helping shape the plan so that it is responsibly applied and there are systems for properly accounting for our resources. We need to get value for our dollars.
I will give an example. I had a panel of tests done here in Nassau. It cost me over $1800.00. I had a panel of tests done in Fort Lauderdale which included the same tests done in Nassau plus some others. It cost me $269.00. Now I have the national health dollars to spend, what should I do in a case like this?
Our economy is out of whack. One of the big reasons our economy is out of whack is Bahamians talk a good talk but we don’t walk a good walk. We do not generally perform to the level that we can and definitely not to the level we should. We need value for value or the economy will correct itself to produce the disparities we now see.
As Bahamians we need to quickly learn to do the job right the first time. This is true for all of us
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. Too many are just going through the motions to get the pay. We are not producing value on our jobs every day. This cannot continue indefinitely. The producers will progress. The slackers will fall by the wayside. That is a universal law. Politics will not save you from this law. It may delay economic justice but it will not stop it.
I am a businessman. I am prepared to pay NHI if I can get our people to be more productive. That is a fair trade-off. It will happen in any case. When the economics adjust, business will adjust. New realities will set in. Society has accepted the role of taking care of people who won’t or are unable to take care of themselves. Sometimes it is hard to determine the difference.
I will not oppose NHI for the sake of opposing the PLP. Party politics is killing The Bahamas. Whenever the PLP proposes something that is good. I will support it. Whenever they do foolishness, which is often, I will criticize them.
We are building a nation here. There are too few of us for us to constantly be tearing each other down. I do need something to be done about crime. It is hard to have a focused conversation with all the crime that is around. We have to deal with the courts. The judiciary must be made accountable to the Bahamian people. There is too much daylight between the law, the execution of the law, and justice in The Bahamas. The Privy Council is not serving justice in The Bahamas. The system of rules under which the legal profession operates must be reviewed. Too many lawyers – and other professionals are nothing but scoundrels. The Bahamian people need better ways of dealing with unscrupulous, criminal PROFESSINALS.
In the meantime, NHI will be imperfect in its implementation like everything else, and like everyone else, but we should not let that stop us. I support the implementation of NHI. We will buy a few less beers and “big name” tennis shoes. But if we focus and be productive, we will prosper and be all right. We are resilient people.