Fred Smith’s Nutty Response
generic viagra sovaldi sale times;”>We have quoted that expression before that those whom the gods would destroy they first make mad. What else can say about Fred Smith who has got to have such a shameless ego that he will go to any lengths for publicity. Mr. Smith who has been accused of running interference for a criminal enterprise through his Grand Bahama Human Rights Association was in the press the day after the government tabled its bill on immigration. He was claiming credit for the bill. The fact that he had not one fucking thing to do with it, try only shows the extent to which this man is delusional. He never understood the policy in the first place. Misinterprets the law and then uses bombast to try and bludgeon government officials to do his will
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. He has besmirched the country and its reputation and now comes giving gratuitous praise to himself for doing something that he never did. What can you say about this fellow but that he is an absolute and total fool, a jackass of the first order?
1 Comment
If he’s wrong, then how come human rights organizations are with him? How come there are these reports of human rights violations coming from more than one source? How come the newspapers don’t condemn him and are open to reports of these violations? How come the Gov is now beginning to admit there’s a problem? The Gov does not have the Moral right to do whatever it wants to. Sounds like Fred Smith is doing what he’s supposed to. I’d rather him a bit wrong and shaking things up than for human rights to be violated.