sildenafil thumb times;”>FREEPORT, buy Grand Bahama — The Government of The Bahamas is keenly aware of the balance that needs to be struck between enforcement of the laws and the welcoming nature that must be a part of the jurisdiction, cialis says the Minister for Foreign Affairs and Immigration, the Hon. Fred Mitchell.
The Minister was on Friday afternoon addressing participants attending the International Business and Finance Summit at the Grand Lucayan on Grand Bahama Island. The event was presented by the Bahamas Financial Services Board.
The Minister had touched on new policy changes in his Ministry including those that relate to work permits.
Among the many issues addressed by Mr. Mitchell was the fact that effective November 1, 2014 no application for first time work permit was to be accepted in The Bahamas from someone who did not have legal status without certification that the person had been seen by the Bahamian Consular Office in his home country.
“That was to send out a signal to people who think they can just hop on a boat and come to The Bahamas and a friendly employer will simply get you straight. So that process should have stopped,” the Minister stated.
Also, he pointed out that everyone who is a non-national who does not have a passport should get one, and they will have to have evidence either of a work permit or a residency permit to show they have a right to be in The Bahamas.
“This applies even to people who were born here of non-Bahamian parents. They are not by our laws citizens of The Bahamas. The Certificate of Identity which was previously issued to people in that category will no longer be issued, except in fulfillment of our international obligation,” he said.
He also stressed that the question for the Department of Immigration, the Government and the Bahamian people is at what price point to extract the premium for the right to live here, and in what numbers and under what circumstances.
Further, the Immigration Minister noted that The Bahamas has an obligation to be sure that it knows who lives within its border and that its territory is not being used as a staging point for unlawful activity that would destabilize its neighbor.
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. Mitchell there is the concern that the cultural identity and integrity of the country is preserved.
Continuing, he advised that the Government is seeking to work with the Financial Services sector on improving the range of products and the efficiency of the delivery of those services.
“Economic citizenship is not on the table, but permanent residence on an accelerated business remains a product which we offer.
“In a few months, we hope to attach conditions to the work permits which will say that if you get a work permit you also have to have health insurance for the worker and adequate housing so that no worker who comes to The Bahamas becomes a public charge,” he stated.
The Minister was also pleased to inform that a decision is in the works by the Cabinet to order the next generation of equipment to improve dramatically passport, work permit, residency and citizenship applications, entry procedures at the border, the ability for different law enforcement agencies to talk to each other, and electronic entry at the gate in answer to complaints of processing at the border at Lynden Pindling International Airport taking too long.
Summing up, Mr. Mitchell also advised that schools will be asked come September for everyone in school to have a passport and evidence of a right to reside in The Bahamas.
He also forecast a major operation coming to Abaco within sixty days to help stem the tide of illegal migration there.
The Minister was further pleased to announce that he is seeking to establish a public affairs unit within the Department of Immigration.
“Here again, there is a culture which has to change. Too many times the answer has to come from the Minister when the questions and issues that draw the public’s attention should be routinely dealt with by an official of the Department.
“My view is that the Department has nothing to hide and that all relevant facts subject to national security and privacy issues ought to be available on request,” he stated.
(Click here for the full statement)