tadalafil see times;”>THIS WEEK IN THE BAHAMAS (26TH – 30TH JANUARY 2015)
The Caribbean Energy Security Summit, the CELAC Summit, Bahamas Junkanoo Carnival, and the Bahamas Business Outlook 2015 capped off a busy week for Prime Minister Christie.
Christie at Washington energy summit
Prime Minister Christie led a ministerial delegation to Washington DC on Sunday to attend the inaugural Caribbean Energy Security Summit. Foreign Minister Hon. Fred Mitchell and the Environment Minister Hon. Kenred Dorsett accompanied him.
The summit’s host was US vice president Joseph Biden.
According to the US State Department, this Caribbean Energy Security Summit (CESS) is a key component of the Caribbean Energy Security Initiative (CESI) that the US Vice President announced in June 2014. It brings together government, finance, and private sector leaders from the United States, the Caribbean, and representatives of the international community to promote a cleaner and more sustainable energy future in the Caribbean through improved energy governance, energy diversification, greater access to finance, and donor coordination.
The Prime Minister represented the positions and views of CARICOM which included the following:
- That the conditions associated with the funding do not preclude any member country from being able to access it, especially the country’s Gross Domestic Product (GDP) as a qualifier. Member states like The Bahamas want that condition removed.
- That the actual mechanism by which funding is granting is centered in the CARICOM region to ensure a greater level of accountability.
- The availability of and access to natural gas from the United States and a clearer explanation from the relevant US authorities on the licensing and approval processes for the export of this vitally important energy source into CARICOM countries.
In the end, US Vice President Joseph Biden agreed that the GDP qualifier should be removed and expressed confidence with this new regional partnership around energy security and the fight against global warning
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. As for Prime Minister Christie and The Bahamas, well Natural Gas as a viable alternative source of energy is back on the table in a big way.
Leslie Miller was happy with the decision and says that he stands vindicated on this issue.
Christie at 3rd Summit of CELAC
On Tuesday of this week, Prime Minister Christie and his delegation minus the Environment Minister, traveled to San Jose Costa Rica to participate in the 3rd summit of the Community of Latin American and Caribbean States.
Again Prime Minister Christie represented both CARICOM and The Bahamas where he delivered the region’s statement. The themes and objectives were consistent and familiar – those surrounding human development, regional integration, illegal migration, fighting poverty and corruption – all within the context of the United Nations sanctioned post 2015 Development Agenda.
“I wish to identify with the themes and aims and objectives of this conference and to address those objectives in the context of the important policy issues of the Caricom region.
“In particular I wish to speak to the issue of human development, migration and the reduction of poverty. I speak to those issues in the further context of the Post-2015 Development Agenda; Financing for Development; transparency and the need to combat corruption; and the need to deepen regional integration” said the Prime Minister.