best cialis sovaldi sale times;”>EDITOR
thumb times;”> Nassau Guardian
Oakes Field
Nassau, The Bahamas.
Dear Sir/Madam:
I write to challenge the contents of your newspaper editorial column of January 13, 2015
To begin with, there are two credibility problems with the editorial. Firstly, the writer assesses the performance Prime Minister Christie in a vacuum and secondly so there is no perspective for the reader. Secondly, the writer failed to provide one scintilla of empirical data or evidence to support his or her opinions of or feelings for Mr. Christie and his government which calls into question the credibility of the writer and the writer’s work. Without the two, the editorial lacks perspective and credibility and therefore is not worth the paper it is written on.
First, the policies of the PLP government are creating jobs. The statistics or empirical data from all quarters bear this out. The national insurance records show an increase in the number of persons paying contributions and the unemployment statistics when looked at from the perspective of persons in the labour force show two things: more people have rejoined the labour force to seek work; and, the number of employed persons have increased. Additionally, figures produced by the Department of Statistics clearly indicate that unemployment doubled under the Free National Movement government from some 15,000 to 30,000 persons between 2007 and 2012; some 15,000 jobs lost in five years. By contrast, in first last 30 months of the Christie’s PLP government, more than 8,800 jobs were added to the economy. So using a comparative analysis (against the FNM record), the title of the editorial should have read, “JOBS EASIER TO FIND UNDER THE PLP THAN UNDER THE FNM.” This title is more accurate, it gives much better perspective and the supporting empirical data lends greater credibility to my assertion.
The Guardian editor simply rants and raves with anti-Christie and anti-PLP vitriolic invective. The editorial comes across as extreme bias, juvenile and the tone smacks of sour grapes from a bitter person with a political axe to grind. This is a careless betrayal of the ethical principles that form the foundation of the fourth estate.
Secondly, the editor opines that Mr. Perry G. Christie has not been an exceptional Prime Minister. Well let us put the editor’s opinion to the test and to give the test perspective, I will use the former Prime Minister Hubert A. Ingraham as a comparative benchmark because from all indications, the editorial board of the Nassau Guardian considers Mr. Hubert A. Ingraham an exceptional Prime Minister. In his last National address, the former Prime Minister revealed that his government had created just over 30,000 jobs in two terms and he added, “…we cannot turn back now.” Well editor, let’s compare Mr. Christie’s one and one half terms in office. The official employment statistics reveal that during Mr. Christie’s first term in office, some 19,000 jobs were added to the economy and during the first half of his current term in office, just over 8,800 jobs were created. Further, we all now know that Baha Mar will open in two months and will create some 5,000 direct jobs which will spur hundreds of ancillary or secondary jobs. This conservatively places the number of jobs added to the economy under Prime Minister’s Christie’s stewardship to 28,000 by mid-term and almost 33,000 by the PLP’s third year in office.
I will go further: according to Central Bank figures, the FNM attracted just over $2 billion in FDI in 10 years (1992-2002) vs $4.5 billion attracted by the PLP government during Christie’s first term in office. I could go on to mention expanding government revenue by 51%; expanding the economy by over $1.5 billion and recording record tourist arrivals and expenditure during his first complete term in office and without raising taxes. These national key performance indicators were all time highs for the country so on what authority does the editor claim that Mr. Christie was not an exceptional Prime Minister, while reserving this superlative for Ingraham? Who is the editor comparing Mr. Christie and the PLP government to? What empirical data is cited to support writer’s opinions? None was provided so out the door goes the credibility.
Returning to the theme of jobs creation, looking on the horizon, there are 5,000 new jobs that will come on stream in this year when BahaMar opens. In your newspaper it was reported that Bahamar will open on March 27, 2015. How is it then that in your editorial you state, “Firstly, no one knows when it will open …”, “… there is still no definite date for the complete opening of the hotels.” I suggest you read the story in your newspaper reported by K. Quincy Parker, who is a respected reporter of news facts.
The thousands of jobs that will be created when the opening of the refurbished Nassau Holiday Inn and Quality Inn, Mahogany, the redevelopment of the Hilton Hotel and a new hotel, marina village and boardwalk to breathe new economic life into a Bay Street product that is slowly dying. These economic stimuli all augur well for the future growth and prosperity of The Bahamas.
The $120 million expansion of the Albany project … positive on the horizon, new airlift to be provided by direct charter flights from China … positive on the horizon; the expansion and job creation in Bimini, Exuma, Cat Island and San Salvador … all positive on the horizon.
The myriad of national challenges boldly confronted by this government in the past 31 months are a matter of public record and permanent history, therefore impatient of debate.
While I appreciate that the writer does not like Mr
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. Christie or the PLP, he or she has a responsibility to state the facts and to place the same into the proper perspective. If the global economic recovery is protracted and is affecting all countries in the region, then that reality must be reflected in responsible editorial. Additionally, all opinions rendered must be able to stand up to the rigors of empirical evidence – this is, if the editor cares at all about credibility and journalistic ethics.
Thank you.