Quincy Parker Ought To Reconsider The Hope Strachan Story And Apologize
cialis sales view times;”>The story written by Quincy Parker who is otherwise a pretty bright man did not reflect well on is talent as it relates to the new appointment of Hope Strachan as Minister for Financial Services. He used an anonymous source in the Nassau Guardian to sully the minister by saying that while she was nice and all that, best cialis diagnosis basically she was not up to mark. We disagree on all fronts. However it is not the sentiment that we take issue with in this moment. What is unfortunate is the sexist tone of it. As in “nice girl” and all that but you know she just can’t cut it. Language in these days and times has meaning and we ought to be careful how we patronize or use terms which appear sexist when we are sure that when he thinks and reconsiders it, that is not what he meant to do
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. The person who gave the anonymous quote knows why they did it anonymously, because they would get crucified for saying so. That person is a coward.