Obie Roberts Of NPI Asks Probing Questions Of Hubert Ingraham
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Was it unreasonable to expect Hubert Ingraham to strongly condemn the kickback and to repudiate those responsible
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. After all it was Ingraham who accused the PLP of having its hands in the cookie jar and worst?
Was it unreasonable to explain why his Government rejected the unanimous recommendation of BEC to award the contract to the Korean Company?
Was it unreasonable to expect Hubert Ingraham to demand the recipients of the kickback to return the funds to the Government with interest without delay?
Was it unreasonable to expect Hubert Ingraham to apologize to the Bahamian people for the sizable losses incurred by BEC occasioned by the purchase of DA 11 and DA 12 Generators? which continues to cause the Corp major problems.
Does Hubert Ingraham still hold the view that his former Deputy Frank Watson is the only HONEST man in his then Government?