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. Wilchcombe, Urban Renewal head in Grand Bahama Michelle Reckley and Minister for Grand Bahama Michael Darville. The event took place on 24th November. Mr. Davis said: “Indeed, Urban Renewal of Grand Bahama has got it right. These men and women of valour, under the most able supervision of Deputy Director Michelle Reckley, have been “pulling rabbits out of their hats” one after the other. The Urban Renewal brand is being stamped all over this island. In addition to their programmes of social mobilisation, the Small Home Repairs Project greatly benefits small contractors, who provide local employment for many masons, carpenters, electricians, plumbers, skilled workers, and helpers, particularly our young men. This celebration today evidences but one of seventy-six (76) homes repaired at a cost of just under eighty thousand dollars ($80,000.00). This has mobilised contractors from the island of Grand Bahama.”
Indeed, Urban Renewal of Grand Bahama has got it right.