Why The Cuba US Dialogue?
generic viagra viagra times;”>The right wing in the United States is apoplectic that Cuba and the US are talking again. However, generic viagra cure Barrack Obama, the US president is motivated by poll numbers and his legacy. He wanted to do this long time. Now one poll says he has a 62 per cent approval rating for the policy change in Florida. So this means this will help the Democrats in the next election. In any event, it makes sense, the continued embargo by the US and the hatred of the Castro regime is ridiculous and so old fashioned and lacked commons ensue. The right wing is now predicting that the Cuban government will collapse because the Venezuelans are now so broke because their oil sector has collapsed, the Cubans no longer have benefactors. This is wishful thinking on their part but we are sure it does stop them from trying more foolishness. Well kudos to Mr
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. Obama for making this limited move and we agree it will be good for the hemisphere and for the region and for The Bahamas.